I wrote and published my first fantasy book at age 6, “The good knight and the bad knight.” The school publishing service even let me choose from a variety of wallpaper to cover the book face and binding. Quite the fancy process.
In more recent years, I started to feel that pull back into the fantasy worlds that I’d all but forgotten. What started as a personal pastime, discovery writing for nothing more than the adventure, grew into a world that I couldn't stay away from.
With the encouragement and support from those who managed to convince me to share my work with them, I decided to take things more seriously and began to explore the idea of pursuing publication. It was then that I started to fall in love with the craft, the never ending pursuit of learning, and can often still be found geeking out over lectures and workshops on a regular basis.
I’m passionate when it comes to bettering my understanding of the writing process, and love discussing craft with others, and learning from fellow writers.
Outside of my writing, I can often be found working on hobbies that mimic a great deal of the same things my characters are doing in their own world. I forge armour, cut gems, work with leather, wood, make natural dyes and pigments, and have even studied and competed in various medieval styles of combat. I hope some of these things lend a sense of natural sincerity to my writing, and have readers walking away with the feeling of an authentic experience.